Here are some wedding pictures at Pravda Studios from Nathan and Leah’s recent wedding. Even though the wedding started after dark, and was in the dead of winter, we got some great pictures in and around Pravda Studios. We even walked down the street and took a few pictures in front of Neumo’s night club.

Wedding Pictures at Pravda Studios

Click below to see more pictures:

Wedding Pictures at Pravda Studios

Under the street light.

Wedding Pictures in Downtown Seattle

By candlelight.

Pravda Studios

One cool idea they had was to run the slideshow constantly all night. They put together a great show and also worked in some funny wedding mad libs they had filled out, and mixed those in with the pictures to add some humor.

Pravda Studios


Wedding Pictures by Maurice Photo

The bride and groom.

Food photography by Seattle Wedding photographer Maurice Photo


Pravda Studios Wedding Photography

Hug from the bride.

Wedding Photography by Maurice Photo


Dancing pictures at Wedding Receptions by Maurice Photo


Wedding Reception at Pravda Studios

And finally, the bride and groom broke into rival gangs for a dance off.

Maurice Photo, Seattle Wedding Photographer

The Brides team responds with a Pyramid.